Friday, May 3, 2013

Sentinel - Summit Bonus Index - APPROVED IN NC!





Good News!! Sentinel Security Life proudly announces The Summit Bonus Index will be released in the state of North Carolina, Monday May 6th. NC specific material will be available on the web-portal at that time, and client applications may be taken. The NC product will be the heavy version similar to the FL version with a slight variation as it relates to surrender charges. I have included product highlights below. I appreciate all you do in getting this product out to the agent field. Sentinel is excited to continue adding more states as time goes on. Please feel free to reach out to me with anything you may need.   – Paul Rauch




  • 10-Year Annuity
  • Industry-Leading Income Rider
  • Competitive Caps
  • Maximum Premium Bonus up to 9%*
  • 7.25% Commission 0-75  5.00% 76-80
  • Issue 0-80
  • 7% Compounding Income Roll-Up for 20 Years*




55  4.50%        67  5.70%        79  6.90%

56  4.60%        68  5.80%        80  7.00%

57  4.70%        69  5.90%        81  7.10%

58  4.80%        70  6.00%        82  7.20%

59  4.90%        71  6.10%        83  7.30%

60  5.00%        72  6.20%        84  7.40%

61  5.10%        73  6.30%        85  7.50%

62  5.20%        74  6.40%        86  7.60%

63  5.30%        75  6.50%        87  7.70%

64  5.40%        76  6.60%        88  7.80%

65  5.50%        77  6.70%        89  7.90%

66  5.60%        78  6.80%        90+  8.00%


Here is the link to the Summit Bonus Index GLWB Income Rider Calculator