The IRA market continues to expand and offers a rewarding opportunity to Insurance Professionals who target and become experts in that market. To assist our producers while working with individuals and their families IRA assets, Reliance Standard has developed an eight page "Stretch IRA Planning Strategy" point of sale guide. The guide explains the importance of advance planning for pre and post death distributions from IRA assets to help minimize taxes and maximize tax deferred accumulation and distributions. The point of sale piece complements our existing "Stretch IRA" supplemental online illustration of distributions and our IRA Pre-determined Settlement Option form. · With our online illustration system, Producers can generate a supplemental report of "Stretch IRA" distributions for up to four beneficiaries in addition to our standard product illustration report, and · Our Pre-determined Settlement Option form permits IRA Owners to restrict all or a portion of IRA post death proceeds and specify the payout period for the restricted proceeds for each IRA beneficiary. The form offers a "no-cost" alternative to a trust for IRA Owners desiring to control the frequency and payout period of post death distributions to their beneficiaries. For copies of our new "Stretch IRA Planning Strategy" point of sale guide, or more information regarding our illustration system or the Pre-determined Settlement Option form, please contact your MGA, visit our web site or contact our sales desk. You may also view a PDF of both the Stretch IRA Planning Strategy Guide (RS-2379) and the Pre-Determined Settlement Option form (EF-1487) by clicking on the form numbers for each document. Thank you again for choosing to place your annuity business with Reliance Standard. |